
Riccardo Rizzi

Construction company for working at heights in Padua

Engineer Riccardo Rizzi’s construction company in Padua will be the next EdiliziAcrobatica® franchise.

It’s a new franchise that will further expand the rope-access construction landscape in Italy and in particular, it will revolutionise how construction is done in Padua.

Riccardo Rizzi’s story

He’s a 45-year-old engineer and is married with two lovely children. The new entrepreneur decided to achieve his dream of running a business by choosing EdiliziAcrobatica.

Riccardo has collected 20 years of experience in maintenance at large Italian companies, undertaking roles of increasing responsibility until taking on managerial positions.

Why did Riccardo choose us?

The new entrepreneur approached the construction industry thanks to discovering management and EdiliziAcrobatica®’s innovative business system. Yes, that’s right, because rope-access construction is revolutionising the way construction is done with a technique that will be made known to the whole Padua area thanks to the new franchise.

“The aspect of EdiliziAcrobatica® Spa that impressed me the most is that the management is constantly looking for better solutions for clients, and the best management techniques have led to huge expansion of the business that is now aiming at an international context. This is why I was easily convinced to work hard to develop the construction franchise in Padua, a city that I believe has great potential for EdiliziAcrobatica®.”

Riccardo’s next goals

“With the help of my wife, Francesca Maria, as well as being a chemist specialised in detergents and building products, we’ve set out on this adventure that I’m sure will bring us a lot of satisfaction, by changing the way construction is done in our area.”

Would Riccardo recommend others make the same choice as him?

Riccardo didn’t explicitly reply to this question, but as they say, “a nod is better than a wink”.

“The maintenance and recovery sector is constantly growing, and with EdiliziAcrobatica®’s techniques you can completely revolutionise a sector where lots of traditional companies, who aren’t inclined to innovate, operate.”