Genoa, 21 March 2023 – EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. (the “Company”), a company specialised in double safety
rope construction works listed on Euronext Growth Milan (ticker symbol EDAC) and Euronext Growth Paris
(ticker symbol ALEAC), announces that the Company’s shareholders’ meeting, which met today in ordinary
session, resolved to pay its shareholders an extraordinary cash dividend of up to €6.588.548, equal to
€0.80 for each ordinary share representing the share capital, gross of withholding taxes and to be paid
from the “2021” retained earnings reserve.
Recall that the total amount of the dividend is to be understood as ordinary from a stock exchange point
of view, as it applies to the result of the financial statements as at 31 December 2021.
The dividend ex-date will be 3 April 2023, the record date on 4 April 2023 and the payment date on 5 April
“When I decided to list EdiliziAcrobatica on the stock exchange, I did so with three precise objectives”,
commented Riccardo Iovino, CEO & Founder of EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A. “I wanted the company to create
value in the market for the service it offers, and as it grows to be able to offer more and more jobs and
distribute as many dividends as possible to those who believe in our project. I am proud to announce that,
having completed more than 16,000 jobs during the year resulting in tens of thousands of enthusiastic
final customers, and having been able to hire more than 450 new people, we have decided to further
reward our Shareholders, and that’s why the Board of Directors considered it appropriate to submit a
proposal to the Shareholders to pay another dividend based on the 2021 profit reserve, also in order to
consolidate the relationship of trust with them, considering the existence of a reasonable amount of reserves and taking into account the positive consolidated revenues as at 31 December 2022. This extraordinary dividend is additional to any distribution of the net profits for the year that will be resolved by the
shareholders’ meeting when the Company’s financial statements as at 31 December 2022 are approved”.