Energy Acrobatica 110 srl, part of the EdiliziAcrobatica Spa Group, European leader in construction work on rope, was started to be the turnkey response to the management of 110% related interventions.

Through a certified and transparent process, a platform dedicated to the progress of the contract and to collaborative document management, the group’s aim is to support apartment building administrators and apartment buildings in the completion of all practices related to the 110% incentive to benefit without risk in the simplest way.

Working with Energy Acrobatica:

  • Commercial network of more than 150 sellers throughout Italy and more than 8,000 apartment building administrators who have been working with EdiliziAcrobatica for years
  • A network of professionals and contracting companies that we are consolidating in the main cities of Italy such as Turin, Milan, Genoa, Verona, Padova, Treviso, Vicenza, Venice, Belluno, Bologna, Florence, Roma
  • Internal team dedicated to the assignment of the credit for which instead of taking advantage of the deduction, you can choose the discount option on invoice/assignment of credit

Some information about the Superbonus:

It is a break provided by the decree relaunch which raises the deduction rate to 110% of the expenses incurred from 1July 2020 to 30 June 2022, for specific interventions in the field of energy efficiency, anti-seismic interventions, installation of photovoltaic systems or infrastructure for charging electric vehicles in buildings. An additional six months time (31 December 2022) for the expenses incurred for apartment building works or fulfilled on the common parts of buildings composed of two to four distinctly stacked real estate units, owned by a single owner or co-owned by more than one individual if, as of 30 June 2022, at least 60% of the total intervention hasbeen carried out.

The new measures are in addition to the deductions provided for the recovery interventions of building assets, including those for the reduction of seismic risk (c.d. Sismabonus) and energy redevelopment of buildings (cd. Ecobonus).

Among the novelties introduced, instead of the direct use of the deduction, the possibility is provided to opt for an anticipated contribution in the form of the discount applied by the supplier of the goods or services or, alternatively, for the transfer of credit corresponding to the deduction to be paid.

Are you a traditional construction company or a professional firm interested in a partnership with EA110?

  • Financial soundness â guaranteed tax credit
  • Network of 150 commercial technicians for which we can make selection of the sites
  • Visibility within our site with 50,000 monthly visits and our network

If you want to communicate aninterest in a collaboration send an email to:

Does your apartment building need a renovation and could you take advantage of the 110% superbonus?

Contact our toll-free number 800.300.833

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